Thursday, February 4, 2010

SuperBowl 2010

It's the Superbowl time of the year. Every year we hear the same story, irrespective of
the state of the economy companies are willing to pay millions for a minute of TV time.
Is it really worth to pay millions for a 30 second commercials on Superbowl?
Is it Justified? Do you think the shareholders of public companies should have a say in this?
Companies which are ready to spend 2-3 millions for a spot on Superbowl commercial
don't try to save the job of employees making $40K a year.
May be people think, companies are wise enough and they know if it makes sense or not
for the company. But if they are public companies they are spending the share holders money.
We know companies that have paid multi million dollar contracts for displaying their name on
sports stadiums and have gone bankrupt.

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